Thursday, January 2, 2020

End Of Marking Period Blogpost

Exploration of Ideas:
Image result for walle city
Image result for apocalyptic city smogOne of my biggest focuses this marking period was making the scene perfect. There was a specific way I wanted to make it look and I think I achieved this. My story takes place in a scrap yard and it was very important to express this. I kinda wanted t to look like a post apocalyptic sort of place, filled with trash and contrast this bleak idea with compassion and innocence. Although with this style choice comes some problems. I want my characters to stand out, but also with this theme it is more of a monochromatic color scheme so I will have to use other ways to emphasize them.

I had also had these ideas effect the way I want story-line to progress. I want it to be hopeful story, but not exactly all happy. The post-apocalyptic idea is the meaning of this. Like I had said before the contrast of the bleak and destroyed earth and the innocence of
the robots and their emotions will pair well with this.
Image result for trash heap

Most of my planning was last marking period where I made my whole storyboard. With the storyboard I had my scene already planned out. I made sure while I was modeling I took my storyboard into account. I already have all the story in my head but the matter of making everything the way I want to is much more difficult than I perceived. Most of my planning with this marking period goes along with my exploration of ideas. I used the references to make the scene the way I wanted. It was very important. Although, I don't think I am by any means amazing at modeling, but I think I got the idea I had planned.

Some other planning I had to do was delegating my time to what I needed to do. This was a bit a struggle for me. I didn't have must time, but when I did I made sure to finish at least one aspect of the scene. I have gotten all the way up to rigging, but I am not quite finished with rigging yet. There are some problems with the rigs I need to fix that may take a while. Rigging was very difficult for me.

For my scene I did produce what I wanted. I used the references as the idea and went off it and I believed it turned out well. Although there were some things I had to skip over because they were not working at the moment, such as the smog/fog. It was a effect I has really wanted to add as that last perfect touch to the scene. I will have to try more later.

With rigging I did rig but, the rigs are not that great. There are some mess ups within the rig and this will effect my animation which I am not happy about. I really did try my best. It was my first time rigging and after following the tutorial there were some things wrong because in the tutorial they sis not add rigging to the hands and now the rigs arms do not move so that is a problem I need to fix.

I had many different struggles this marking period. I struggled with lighting, rigging and finding the exact objects I wanted. Rigging was probably the biggest problem my one robot's arm does not work and I can't seem to figure out how to fix it. Also because the objects on the robots are hollow inside moving the bones causes some exposing of the insides but I don't think this is something I am able to fix. I really wish I had found models that were rigged, but I have fallen in love with these models, so I wouldn't have it any other way. For I am still a bit unsure with what I am doing and will have to work with is while animating, because there are not good tutorials on day and night cycling in animation. This will all be a very big learning experience and I am excited for that, but I also just want to get things done and have them be the way I want, but that's not going to happen.

Next marking period I will definitely spend more time on the project. I was very lazy this marking period and I did not get all that I wanted to get done. By now I had wished to be animating, but I am a bit behind. Starting next marking period I am fixing my rigs, adjusting some lighting and then I should be ready. I want to devote a lot of time to this, but with my job and school I worry I won't work on it as much as I want to,

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