Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Week 12/8

I decided to investigate rigging again because last time I never got to actually rigging, but this time I am. I am putting in the I-kay restraints and everything so that the motions can be more fluid. Although, they are robots i don't want the character movement to be too stiff. So far I have created the bones, but now I need to connect the model to them. I am afraid of doing this part because I think I will mess up, but I want to get this finished with as soon as possible so I can actually start making my animation.

Next Week:
Everything is working out right now. I hope I can get into actually animating soon. I know before I animate I want to study some character movement. Especially robotic animation. I don't want to make a badly animated animation that I spend a lot of time on. If it's not done well its almost like I took the blender models and really didn't do much myself. I really hope this is a success because I think about it day and night. It is really important to me. I am planning something great it's just the matter of actually spending the time to sit down and work. Hopefully I can get a good chuck done over break.






Friday- Blogpost

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