Sunday, November 10, 2019

MP 1 Presentation: Reflection

Seeing what my classmates did in class was very inspiring for me. When I see them doing great work it makes me want to strive for better. After seeing some of the presentations I felt like I was lagging behind and now I want to step my project up. Without this push I don't know if my project would be going as well as it is right now. I am glad I got to see my peer's projects and can't wait to see more from them.

One that stood out to me was Carey's project. I had never really seen someone try 2D animation so it was very interesting to me. With his presentation I learned about how you can use layering and onion skinning to make a 2D animation in a shorter amount of time, rather than drawing each step. I knew this was possible but this really gave me an insight into 2D animation from an angle I hadn't seen before. The night after him presenting this project I actually decided to try out some 2D animation myself. I really found it fun and think I could use it in the future. I was inspired to do something I hadn't really tried too much before.

Another interesting project was Andrew's. I really like his type of work. His travel videos I find to be very professional and high quality. I especially like his use of color grading. The footage always flows together very nicely and are nice and crisp. You could tell me it was done by a professional and I wouldn't even question. He is very skilled in both video capture and editing. His music choice even corroborates well with the footage. I think he is very talented and should take some lessons from his book.

I was very impressed with Giovanni's work. For his music video he had a very concrete idea and went with it through trial and error. You can tell how passionate he is about his work and I find his music very well made, which is very uncommon amongst rappers at our school. I am inspired by his work ethic and drive to create a better product. I remember him talking about how he scrapped his original idea because he felt it wasn't up to the standards he wishes to put on his music videos. I related that to my struggle I had at the beginning of the year where I could not figure out what I wanted to do for my project and had an idea, but scrapped it.

(No media because I couldn't find his YouTube or SoundCloud)

What I found very impressive about Tristan's work was how much time and organized effort he puts into his work. I personally struggle with this. I love to do my work and work on my project but I never get to put in the time and I have never been very organized. Tristan though, knows what he wants and where he is going and has the drive to achieve that. I really respect that. He puts a seriousness and drive into his work that I wish I had

The first thing that impressed me from Tobby's presentation was the organization of it all. It was clear and it was obvious what he was trying to do. His drive is evident. Meanwhile, like I've said before, organization is not my strong suit. Another thing that I was inspired by was his product. He clearly wanted to model these characters with a certain texture modifier and he did what he had stated. He had a good product to show us by the end of marking period one. Clearly, I need to strive for better.


Monday- Reviewed Tristan's film

Tuesday- Growth Questions

Wednesday- Scene editing

Thursday- Scene editing

Friday- Blogpost

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