Sunday, September 29, 2019

Week of 9/23-27/19

I finally have my idea. It will be more animation based. The idea is that it is a dragonfly and a bird are in a chase. The bird is chasing the dragonfly and the dragonfly is trying its best to get away without being eaten. I have my plot written out from start to finish, but I still need to finish storyboarding. I first struggled finding models that were accurate.

Woodpecker preview image

This model of a woodpecker is the one I will be using. It is not accurate but it was the best I could find without having to rig a model. Woodpeckers eat bugs but usually not one's that fly. I would imagine it would be plausible for a woodpecker to eat a dragonfly because this bird does eat mosquitoes and caterpillars, I just think it would be unlikely that it would eat a dragonfly because the bird would have to go out of its way.

Dragonfly preview image

The dragonfly model I am using is very nice. The problem is the woodpecker is blender render and the dragonfly is cycles. I am going to either convert this one to blender render or find another one. I would prefer not to use cycles because I plan on making a longer animation with a duration of maybe two minutes or more. I have done it in the past, but I know on my last project cycles ran too slow so I had to animate blindly a bit because I couldn't see the rendered project until I completely rendered and it took 3 days. I'm fine with going through the hassle again but it would be nice to avoid it.

Next Week:

Next, I plan on finalizing my storyboard and start on filming. I should probably film soon before it gets too cold and my story would not make sense because birds and dragonflies are not really out in the winter. Even now with it being fall I am wondering if I should work on a different project because the weather and the way the forest look right now are not prime for the story I want to take place. This story I would imagine to take place in spring, but I worry it's too late to even try and make it look like spring. Maybe, I will just have to make the whole thing animation even though I really don't want to. Maybe there is a solution or else I will just have to deal with it.

When I think of what I want to do I think of this Pixar animation. It is just a cute story about a bird trying to get food and is fighting the waves. In my case I just want a cute little story between a bird and a dragonfly. Sure, the bird is trying to eat the dragonfly, but I want the story to be more playful and comical. I am not going to actually have the bird eat the dragonfly, but It will make for a nice chase scene. I believe this is a nice film to start on because it does have a lot of work to be put into it, but it should have to be too stressful because the story is not supposed to be deep. I usually worry about that sort of thing but this animation will be much more relaxing than my others.

Monday- Finding my story

Tuesday- Plot rollercoaster

Wednesday- Storyboard

Thursday- storyboard & acting for another project

Friday- This blogpost

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