Monday, November 16, 2020



Idea Choosing

I have multiple ideas going forward and have worked through them all. I want to choose one that is most reasonable but also one that I will feel passionate about completing. I also have worked around in blender and 2D softwares and I don’t know what is best for me to use. I am really torn to which I like better. I am solving this delma for next week hopefully. Personally I think I will go with one of the ideas I have below-


In this world there is no color, just white and people are forced into repetition of the same thing over and over again. Suddenly two people are pulled out of this from an annoying little red bug. The two people go to try to catch the big but instead they are lead outside of the place they had been residing and into a world of color. They then stare off into the sunset holding hands and in the end they bring everyone outside.


A girl is walking down a spiral staircase until it stops and she falls, she hits the floor and lays there for a while until there is a weird light coming from in front of her. She then struggles to get up but then eventually walks into the light and it’s over. This would have a voice-over it about how it feels to hit rock bottom/ having depression.

Run Away:

A young girl is at home with her parents fighting and seemingly getting a divorce. She runs away and finds a strange gateway to another land. Kind of like James And The Giant Peach or Alice In Wonderland. There she learns from the strange characters there and watches her parents work together to find her and finally she realizes that she is important and their fighting isn't her fault. The parents then after working so hard to find their child together decide to try to give their relationship a second chance because amongst the worry they find how much they truly mean to each other.

This topic is obviously very hard but this is an idea I would really like to do. I originally would want it to be a film then it turns into 2D animated things when she enters the other world. But, yeah its pretty unpractical.


I do have a couple of other ideas too but these here are my main ideas I have come up with. My issue is I have so many ideas that it is hard to stick with one, also a lot of my ideas are too grand for me to do them practically.

Work Log:

Monday- StoryBoard
Tuesday- Idea Creation
Wednesday- Idea Selection
Thursday- Idea Selection
Friday- Blogpost

Sunday, November 8, 2020


 Making An Animated Short

This video talks a lot about sticking with an idea that you can do and you feel good about. These are two of my biggest struggles. After I start not liking what I am doing I start hating it even more then I get to the point I no longer want to work on it. Also, I tend to be way over ambitious with my writing and concept that once I get to the point of working on it I work on it for hours and realize I am never going to be able to get this done. What I need to do is stick with something I know I can do but I can also enjoy the outcome. I know if I work I can get what I need done.

Storyboarding is what I am working on right now. In the video she talks about how your character should change from beginning to end and realizing that I think really has helped me conceptualize a good animated short film. I am still unsure if I want to go 3D or 2D. I actually have multiple stories with multiple ideas that I think work better for each. I am excited to start working on this in depth and hopefully I can work on more than one of my ideas. But, I should do what she says and focus on my one idea I know I can accomplish and try my best to be a little original, which is another struggle of mine. I hate when I make an idea and map it out, then realize or feel this has been done before. It really kills my motivation to finish.

Work Log

Monday- Storyboarding
Tuesday- Storyboarding
Wednesday- Questioning my story
Thursday- Video watching on how to make a good story
Friday- Blogpost

Highschool Portfolio