Sunday, September 27, 2020

My Year Concept

Politics & The Social Order

A big part of society is who makes the rules and what we are told to follow. I think taking this into consideration you can play with this idea a lot. Conformity and non-conformity, is it good or bad? Should we always do what we are told and not question it? These questions are never fully answered because from different perspectives people could believe in two different ideas of how the world and society should operate. There are many great movies about corrupt governments and how they rebel against them such as, The Hunger Games, V For Vendetta, City Of Ember and even Shrek. The corruption of government and the fight for freedom or change is a big part of this theme and I feel it can be a really powerful message to go against everything you know, or authority.

I also feel this could be done very nicely through animation. I could get my point across with simplicity or complexity depending on what I am going for. I already have a couple ideas dealing with this theme and I hope I am able to work through and do all of them. This year I really want to plan well and have multiple finished products to show at the end of the year and for college. I want to start as soon as possible.

The whole dystopia idea is very interesting to me. This animated short film is sort of like something I would want to try to create. The whole conformity idea is easy to work with and still feel like you created something meaningful and I really want to work on animations or films that I feel are meaningful and interesting to watch. In this short film you see how they are constricted to do what they are told without question and if they do something opposing the view of I guess the government and other citizens in this case, you are ostracized and killed.

Dystopian movies are always ones that stood out to me, because they feel so out of the ordinary, but are they really. They deal with the concepts and ideas and fears we have about society in our normal day life, sure we aren't going to destroy the world because of our ignorance and have mutant animals attack the humans left... right? It seems crazy for something like that to happen but, it is true that our governments have great control over us. Everything dealing with politics is skewed to one side or the other making you think a certain way. Are we truly thinking for ourselves or are we fed the information we believe is our own? These questions many people have but I don't know if we can truly find the answer to, but put these issues on a greater scale and you have a dystopia.

My First Project

My first idea is still in the conceptual faze. I want it to be simple so I can get through it quickly. The idea is that there are robotic-like people in a world with no color. They do the same thing day-in and day-out until one day someone strays from the path. Right now I'm thinking from a red bug that distracts them so, they follow it. Along the way this bug bothers someone else too and they both chase after it, until somehow this bug leads them to the world of color. There together they then both change from white to other colors. Then, but I don't know if I want to go this far, they get everyone else to come and they are all out on this hill all different types of colors looking outward.

This idea I feel if I work hard I can get it done quickly. I already can see it mapped out in my head, especially the color schemes. I just need to find the right models and make a really basic landscape in blender to achieve this. I would love to work with facial expressions, but I don't believe I can with this fist short film looking at my options. Also, if I am feeling a bit crazy I can put in some 2D animation with the 3D, which is something I've been wanting to try very badly.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Steps to Making An Animated Short Film


First it is good to have an idea and write it down. No matter what it is, it is good to try to get a solid idea and put it on paper. That way, when you get to the script/storyboarding it is already a full idea you can work with.


Once, you have a thorough idea you can clean it into something you could actually turn into a film, by storyboarding and script writing. These steps are the most important because without a solid base you, can't have a good story. I personally, for animated films, don't really want to do a script because I will then have to get voice actors, but I love storyboarding.


Animatics are a solid way to get something close to the final project early on. I personally, don't think I need to do one with what I want to do, but it could definitely be helpful.


Finding or creating the best model for your image is important for your final vision. This part I find the hardest because I am not really interested in modeling but I need to find the right model for the story I want to do.


This will take the most time and will be the most tedious, making sure you get movements right with the subjects you are animating. I really enjoy getting into the flow and animating for hours on end. I hope to really make a good looking animation this time around.


Depending on how much you animated the render could take a while, but all you've got to do at this time is wait. Maybe you can start on finding some music for you're film or look back at your concept and storyboard/script.


Finally, you almost have a finished product, but it's not quite there yet. You need to color correct of you want to and do film grading and do sound design. This is my favorite part of the whole process because you are so close to finishing. Don't forget credits.


Add any finishing touches and watch through the film. Then, upload your finished product.

Work Log:
Monday- Reviewing camera rules
Tuesday- Not in class
Wednesday- Design principals
Thursday- Steps to an animated short film
Friday- Blogpost

Highschool Portfolio