Wednesday, May 8, 2019

In Progress Self-Critique

There is a girl. She is at a cabin and is walking. The sky is red and the ground is white. She sees a white butterfly and runs after it. She stops to take a breath then goes back to running after it. The butterfly leads her to two big red and white trees. She walks through them. 

Color is used for emphasis. The girl’s shirt and hair is red but the rest of her is white and gray to stand out against both the white ground and red sky. The butterfly is white because it stands out best against the red sky. There is a lot of formal balance throughout the animation and informal balance. In the beginning it is all informal balance but after the girl meets the butterfly there is formal balance. 

What is going on in the story is that a girl alone living in a cabin meets a butterfly. This butterfly leads her across the desolate world to two trees and she is lead through them. The use of emphasis and simplicity helps the story develop. You can easily follow the two characters throughout the story. You can also tell the world is unnatural and lonely by the harsh red and the white ground with little to no plant life. 

One strength I feel I have with this project is my color choice. I really feel the simplicity and my use of only two colors adds to the story. What would happen if I tried making the butterfly red? Well I originally wanted to make it red but then I realized that it blended in to the sky too well. What if I emphasize all the plant life in the world? Then the two trees at the end of the animation would feel less special.

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