Friday, April 23, 2021

Investigation 4/25

 Color Theory

In my 2D animated short film I do not want to use much color, but there is a point at the end I do want to. Color can mean a lot in a film to convey emotions or simply just make the composition pleasant. I know 2 years ago we really delved into color theory and that still sticks with me today. I hope that by making the first part of my short film black and white it will show how mundane and annoying the fly's  life is, but later when he finally sees the world as more than just a place where he must find things to eat it turns to color. I want to make that scene as colorful as possible to express that. Using colors that work well together will be very important because it's the first part in the short film that uses color.


-how I feel about my progress- 

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Marking Period 3 Peer Reflection

Seeing my peer's work this marking period is a wake up call. I can tell how hard they worked and how much progress they have made throughout the year. Their ability to still be motivated and make amazing pieces of work during this time both amazes me and inspires me, but at the same time I feel like I can't equal the sheer hard work and talent of them. I know it's all in my head but I can't help feeling like everything I work towards is pointless and just fails in the end. Nonetheless, my classmates did an amazing job and I loved to look at what they put their hard work and time into. 


Zach Willard's film was phenomenal. Aesthetically he had everything down. There was great color grading and camera angles, whilst keeping a coherent style throughout the film. This I feel is especially hard to do, yet he makes it look effortless. Not to mention his storyline was thorough and I feel like I really connected with it. I remember some lines physically hurting me inside like "Why is it the more you want something the harder it is to get? I just wanted to do something. I just wanted to do something so bad. I just didn't want to be a bum." and others. I very much related to the story because I am there and I feel exactly as the characters feel. Overall, his film is wonderful and I am jealous of his drive and strength to put up with the challenges of working on something like this.

Here is Zach's other film that he did complete this marking period and it has a similar concept. Again I relate to the storyline completely and it hit my feelings a little too on the nose. Again his film is beautifully crafted and I don't know how he does it every single time. I don't know if I could make anything of his caliber but I would really like to try and make something that really does come out well. I mean this one is so witty but also deep. I went through a whirlwind of emotions, I was alone and sad, then on the verge of breakdown, and then I literally laughed out loud. I aspire to be as ambitious as Zach and be able to commit to an idea.


What I really like about Brendan's work is that he has a goal and knows what he is working for. Working on objects for the video game. He is starting out small to then work up to more specific things. I love that he is working towards something that he is really driven by. I envy that. Also though I relate to him in his struggles. He said that he feels he hasn't done much with his work due to the pandemic and I completely agree. It has been very hard to keep everything together let alone be motivated.


Josh's work I admire because he always has a clear and clean concept. He always comes out with finished products. You can tell he is doing things he is interested in. His logo for his friend's ceramics is very clean and polished. I also know what it's like to make channel banners and twitch elements so it's interesting to see someone work on them for their project and trying new things. I would love to see the work he does in the future and am looking forward to it. I hope I can have a final product as solid as his.

Highschool Portfolio